Contacting the PicoParsec
Administrator: Why the Palaver?

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Contact  --> Why the Palaver?

The Problem of Unsolicited Commercial e-Mail

Like everyone else connected to the Internet, picoParsec (the Starving Artist) has been increasingly assailed by spam (UCE – Unsolicited Commercial E-mail),
much of it targeted with e-mail addresses scraped from his web pages.

In an attempt to mitigate the problem, or at least reduce the torrent, he has taken several active approaches toward improving the situation, and sincerely hopes that you will in turn play your part to help him out.

The three main approaches he has adopted to date are:

  1. Defeating e-Mail Address Scrapers : finding ways to prevent address-scraping web robots from harvesting a valid e-mail address from any of the pages within the compass of the PicoParsec family of web sites.
  2. Using a Web Form : bypassing e-mail altogether in favour of an interactive web page.
  3. Using Encryption : eliminating all casual unsolicited communications by requiring the use of a public key to encode all communications with picoParsec (the Starving Artist).

(1) Defeating e-Mail Address Scrapers

Because e-mail remains both the preferred and the most flexible means of communication over the Internet, the primary approach has been to find ways of eliminating, or at least significantly reducing the harvesting of valid e-mail addresses from across the web sites within the picoParsec domain. Alas, it is impractical, as well as irritating to correspondents, to keep changing contact e-mail addresses, so the emphasis needs must be on foiling the scrapers.

Thus far, the steps that he has taken to defeat e-mail address-scraping robots fall into four general classes:

  1. Funnelling all communications through a single contact page, removing all traces of any e-mail address from every other page. Thus the fact that any “contact” link on any page within the picoParsec family of web sites leads to the sole active contact page.
  2. Obfuscating the encoding of e-mail addresses within the HTML coding of any page on which an address appears; ideally only the singular contact page. This is done either with in-line character encoding or by using JavaScript to dynamically generate the e-mail addresses as the page is rendered.
  3. Replacing HTML encoding of any e-mail address with an image (a JPEG) of the e-mail address. This requires readers to transcribe the address by hand when they want to send an e-mail.
  4. Adding very aggressive spam filters at the receiving end, requiring readers to ensure that a special text token is included in the subject line of any e-mail they wish to send to picoParsec (the Starving Artist).
    Note: providing that JavaScript is enabled, the token can be provided automatically.

Each step has advantages and disadvantages, and are not mutually exclusive.
More detailed discussions of each of these techniques follow.

Step 1: Funnelling All Communications

The huge advantage of funnelling all requests for communication through a single page is that this page becomes the sole place that any valid e-mail address appears. On every other page in the Starving Artist’s Garratt there is simply a link to the singular contact page, giving address-scraping robots nothing to harvest.

The obvious disadvantage is that it adds one level of indirection to the communications process, which may irritate some readers. However, this can be mitigated to some degree by using scripting to automatically fill in the subject line from the invocation context. It also allows the presentation of a choice of possible communication mechanisms, which empowers the paranoid (among whom the Starving Artist includes himself) to choose to encrypt their e-mail.

It is perhaps worth noting that the contact page is the only page in the Starving Artist’s Garratt on which there is any scripting, and that is limited to a very few snippets of verifiably benign JavaScript.

This is a step that the Starving Artist has already taken, not least because it allows him to concentrate all his experiments relating to foiling address scraping on the single contact page.

Step 2: Obfuscating the Encoding of Addresses

The second part of the solution is the insertion of a small, benign chunk of JavaScript to dynamically generate the e-mail address on each page where it is displayed, in an attempt to foil scraping or harvesting of e-mail addresses. This little piece of code is utterly harmless, but if you choose not to enable JavaScript in your browser you will not see the Starving Artist’s e-mail address, nor will you have a clickable dynamic link.

If you cannot see the e-mail address where it obviously should be, a little further down the page, or if your browser throws up some sort of scripting-related error message, this is almost certainly the reason.

Should this happen to you, and you are not prepared to enable JavaScript in your browser, please take note of the next part of the Solution.

Here is the dynamically-generated e-mail address:
(assuming that you have JavaScript enabled in your browser)

For reference, here is the JavaScript in question:

<script type="text/javascript">
<!-- Begin

var unam = "WebAdmin";
var dom2 = "picoparsec";
var dom1 = "com";
var subj = "subject=Contacting%20the%20picoParsec%20Administrator";
var titl = "title=\"Send e-mail to the picoParsec Administrator\"";
document.write('<p><a href=\"mailto:');
document.write(unam + '@' + dom2 + '.' + dom1 + '\?'); document.write(subj + '\"' + titl + '>'); document.write(unam + '@' + dom2 + '.' + dom1 + '<\/a><\/p>');

// End -->

Essentially, it is just three document.write statements to construct the string representing the mailto: URL that, when you click on the resultant link, will invoke your default e-mail application with both the To: and the Subject: already filled in.

Here is the Starving Artist’s contact e-mail address presented from an obfuscated HTML in-line character encoding, representing the second part of the solution. Using this technique obviates the need for any javaScript at all. However, there is a suspicion that some HTML scrapers may be sufficiently sophisticated to see through this type of character-encoding obfuscation.


For reference, here is the in-line coding in question:

mailTo:<a href=" &#109;&#97;&#105;&#108;&#116;&#111;&#58;
&#115;&#104;&#114;&#101;&#100;&#110;&#105;&#118; &#64;&#98;&#97;&#116;&#104;&#121;
?subject=Contacting%20the%20Starving%20Artist" >
&#115;&#104;&#114;&#101;&#100;&#110;&#105;&#118; &#64;&#98;&#97;&#116;&#104;&#121;

Yes, I have shown the key pieces in plain text to make it easier to understand what is going on. In reality, they could be obfuscated too.

The Starving Artist plans to run some careful comparison experiments to determine if either of these two techniques, JavaScript or in-line character encoding obfuscation, is vulnerable to sophisticated scraping.

Stay tuned for announcement of the results of the experiments.

Step 3: Replacing HTML Address Encoding with an Image

The third part of the solution is to replace an in-line dynamic generation of the e-mail address with the display of a totally graphic representation. For obvious reasons this cannot be a dynamic link, so of necessity you will have to transcribe the displayed address by hand. Such a graphic presentation of the address should be visible immediately below:

  [ graphic: of WebAdmin at PicoParsec dot COM e-mail address ]  

In most well-behaved browsers, if JavaScript has been disabled the dumb graphic will be rendered. This should be visible immediately below, and should you so wish you can experiment by enabling or disabling JavaScript and then reloading the page, which will either render the graphic or will use JavaScript to dynamically create the active link.

Step 4: Adding Very Aggressive Spam Filters

The fourth part of the solution is to introduce extremely aggressive spam filters on incoming e-mails at the destination mail server. Any incoming e-mail that does not include one of the two following text strings somewhere in the subject line will probably end up being filtered out, meaning that the Starving Artist will never see it.

PPS:  (in upper case, with the colon)


picoParsec  (in any case, including mixed)

A context-specific subject is automatically supplied whenever the e-mail address is generated dynamically. If you are hand-transcribing the e-mail address, please enter a subject that contains one or other of the above text strings, as well as anything else you wish. (When the in-basket is particularly full, the Starving Artist has been known to cherry-pick solely on the basis of the message subject...)

(2) Using a Web Form

Bypassing e-mail altogether in favour of an interactive web page.

(3) Using Encryption

Eliminating all casual unsolicited communications by requiring the use of a public key to encode all communications with the Starving Artist.

Made with Macintosh Last Updated: 28th of February, 2015.
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